Yeap...went to Rain's concert....It was an experience I won't forget....
Started to get ready at around 5.30pm 'cos the concert was slated to start at 7.30pm and we didn't want to get caught in the jam so thought to set out early. Read the tickets and it said no cameras allowed...Alamak! How to take pictures and show you guys lah? Anyhows, the concert was in a track & field stadium so I thought to wear more 'cool' clothes and not bring a bag in case I get pick pocketed or something....
Left home at 6ish and reached the venue around 7pm. Lots of people and motorbikes around the stadium...was actually quite surprised to see lots of vietnamese there as I thought that the ticket prices would be a little costly for them.
There were many stalls set up selling stuff...and the wierdest thing was that there were like cosmetic counters, mobile phone counters etc....all selling Korean products! I guess there's that link... Finally found the merchandise counter to see what there were selling.....note pads, caps, t-shirts, programme book etc.....hhmmm...what to get...hard to decide when there were so many choices but they were freaking expensive! But whaddahell, since I'm already there, might as well get something! :P
Made our way into the stadium and discovered that our seats were about 11 rows from the front and to the left side....not great seats after all....sigh....and then....
I saw these people whipping out their cameras snapping away!!! Wah lao eh!! I damn loser lor! So 'guai' I was, scared that they would confiscate my camera if they checked my bag! But then they never even looked into the bags, just checked the ticket...I could have been carrying a bomb for all they cared! F**KERS!
Sigh...was damn upset...felt like such a loser...sigh... Ann Toh the loser.... so stupid! :(
But I guess I had to make do with my camera phone....tried taking a few pics but quality damn lah! See...

So instead of dwelling on my stupidity, I looked around to observe my surroundings and saw some interesting things.... A few seats away from me was this old korean or jap lady, like in her 60s or 7os! Was already amazed that she made it to his concert...but the most amazing thing was that she was wearing his concert t-shirt, his concert dog-tag and his concert cap!! Also noticed quite a few middle-aged and elderly korean and jap ladies and men there as well! Didn't know that Rain's fan club also included such die hard aunties! hehe...
here's a pic of the old lady from the back...

The concert took a while to start and I noticed that there were many empty seats around us, especially in the centre section in front of the stage. And the back was rather empty too.... So we waited and waited....and this Phillippino girl started telling us how she is such a great fan, came all the way to Vietnam to attend Rain's concert and that she had already caught the concert the night before already but she was in the main stage standing area (there's like this sunken part in the centre of the stage where it's only standing area but you get up close and personal) so tonight she's out with the rest of the people to see the concert from the front! And there were all these girls from his fan club, waving styrofoam boards and neon signs and shouting his name. Sigh...those were the days when we were young and would subject ourselves to such embarassing behaviour! :)
8.30pm already.... 1 hr late... the stadium started to fill up....then the announcer spoke, saying the concert will begin shortly....and then chaos happened! People started rushing to the centre section of the seats as they were still empty... so we 'cheong' also lah! Wah was like running for your lives man! We cheong until we could reach the best seats available and plonked our asses down! And the security guards were like yelling and pulling people back and shining their torch lights at everyone....but nobody moved! We also stayed put and refused to budged! Exciting! hehe.... the view was tons least now we can see his face without the help of the screen.
Lights dimmed and the stage burst into lights.....the concert has started....tried to take a couple of shots from the phone but it wasn't great so took some from the screens...not great either....

The concert was enjoyable, the stage set up was great, effects were wonderful and of course Rain's dancing was spectacular! He spoke mainly English but spoke a few Vietnamese phrases and sent the crowd wild! But I was actually a little disappointed with his dancers, expected them to be good but they really weren't, especially the female dancers, all lousy except for 1, and the was not a single good-looking male dancer either! Fail...
So after 2 hours, the concert finally came to a close...all his fans were yelling and screaming and crying....poor things....

..... people started clearing the stadium....

..... and the seats were left empty....

I truly enjoyed myself...although I didn't have any nice pictures, I had a great experience and these memorabilias to remind me of his concert... that my blood is fired up.... which concert should I catch next?? :P
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