On closer inspection....it says 'Long Beach Pride'.....Rainbow flags...Pride...hhmmm....Is Long Beach like San Francisco?
Arrived in New York and this was the first picture I took....
And the first signboard that caught my eye....H&M was in New York! And Madonna has her own line of clothing! Happening...
After checking into the hotel, we embarked on a journey to tour around Manhattan City... Here's me trying to navigate my auntie.... Didn't do too badly if I must say so myself.... hehe...
Caught some famous sites such as....The Empire State Building...
The World Trade Centre site.... lots of police hanging around, not sure what had happened tho'...
Went pass this super impressive buidling while driving along....Don't know what it's called but had to take a picture 'cos it looked so grand and imposing....Anyone any idea?
Here's Chinatown....looked really runned-down... think Singapore's Chinatown is sooo much prettier and attractive....
Passed by some interesting shops too.....like this one....Spy Shop! If only I went in and got some cool gadgets....
Saw this funny poster on a bus too.... GottahavaWAWA....hillarious!
There was this other structure in the waters right by our viewing area....don't know what it's for...maybe some art installation?? Or something left over from the past?? Hmmm...
It was quite exciting walking around the city because we walked right into a protest! Yah, there were all these people waving flags and boards and so many policemen and cars surrounding them....
Was a little afraid that it may turn chaotic but it actually turned out to be a pretty peaceful demonstration....and we found out that they were demonstrating about immigrants' rights or lack thereof....
Headed to Times Square in the night to catch its beautiful lights and splendour....Don't know why but Times Square always left a deep impression on me whenever I watched any movies that had it as their location or when viewing photographs....I think the lights and screens just seem very attractive and exciting....
Went into the M&Ms flagship store....and boy was I in heaven!!! Chocolate!!! Yummsss.....
Soooooo many colours and variety.....how to choose lah? Headache....

And they had this display where they packed the chocolates by the colours of the countries! So cute...
They had some really nice installations such as the M&Ms race car and the M&Ms Statue of Liberty...
And of course we had to strike a pose with the Night Fever M&Ms! Hehe...
And it started to rain....so I could only look from across at the Hershey's flagship store...sigh...
There were some other interesting things which I did or saw....
Had Wendy's fast food....I remembered eating this when I was really young back in Singapore but it disappeared for many years.... Eating this kinda made me reminisced the past a little...
As we had to park our car to walk around, I thought that the parking meter machine was damn cool! You just have to choose how long you want to park, pay by credit card, get the receipt, place it in the car and you are set! Don't need all the parking coupons lah, make sure you have enough coins or notes lah...just a credit card and you are set! Can park liao!
This other billboard at Times Square also caught my attention...
I didn't quite get the message.... "Are you wondering what all the drama was about or...WHAT?". Is there supposed to be another 'akan datang' billboard?? What did you think they were trying to convey?
We had lunch at this Korean restaurant and I walked by their fish tank on the way out and asked "What the hell is that??!!" Looks like a human heart or something!! But I guess it has to be some underwater creature that the Koreans like to eat... Can anyone enlighted me on what that thing is??
All in all I had a nice time in New York but as I only had like one and a half days there, I didn't really get to do much...Would like to visit the city again sometime....
1 comment:
Dearest, darling Princess Moonbeam,
1) u ah... making us all upset in Moonbeam Enterprises... we wanna go on trips too!! *strike strike*.. heh. we'll try to make this a peaceful demonstration. heh.
2) The billboard... err, if u look at the bottom right hand corner of your pic, i think tt's the answer to what the advert's all about. :) am guessing it's something to do about a card? credit card?
3) Those human-heart-like things that got you in a state? They are sea anemones. Think it's a delicacy in Korea... especially in Busan. :)
Employ me la... i can be your knowledge master. hahaha. KM!
your humble yet disgruntled 'servant'...
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