The station which I used the most....Bayswater of course....
For someone who's main mode of transport in Singapore is the taxi...I kinda like taking the tube in London....wierd isn't it? I guess it's cos it's probably the cheapest way to travel and also because I kinda like the stations and what I might find in there....such as the long long escalators....
It doesn't just tell you where they fly, they also tell you what are the key things to do or see in these cities....I really like this ad...Cool!
People singing and performing opera....
After walking around a bit, we sat down at a nice cafe to have a drink and rest our feet...
We also found this relatively new restaurant called 'Kiasu'! Yup, that's right...Kiasu....which serves mainly Singaporean food, so of course we had to try it! It was near where we stayed along Queensway Road across from the tube stations.....
It's wallpaper is really has all these 'Kia' phrases on 'Kia Cheng Hu' which means scared of government, 'Kia Kwee' means scared of ghosts, 'Kia Pok Kai' means scared of being broke and 'Kia Kuah' means scared of the cold....there were a lot more others....quite hilarious!
I also found it's menu to be quite funny....with the way they spelt certain dishes....but then again, I guess there are just some things that you can't quite translate! Like 'Or Luak-oyster omelette', 'Kway Teow Thng - noodle soup', 'Lo Ark-braised duck' and 'Tau Yew Bak - dark soya sauce braised pork'. Hehe...cute huh?!

Then I caught sight of this sign that they pasted on a side door....No Durians Please! Hahaha... where to find durians in London?!?!? And the owner must hate durians...tsk tsk... :P
And do you see that green stuff in a's actually mashed peas....But it is so flourescent in colour that I didn't dare to eat too's a closer look...
Had a couple of beers becoming an alchie?!!? :P It was Cyprus beer....not too bad....not bad at all...hehe...
The chair you see is the only treatment room they have in the salon! It's basically more of a 'display' kinda salon to attract people and promote the brand....not really to do business.
Here's my auntie and colleague getting some professional advice and going through a skin care routine at the 'Skin Bar'....
One interesting area in this salon was the restroom.... they listed out on the back of the door all the beauty awards that Dermalogica products had won so that while you're taking a leak, you can see how great the products are! :)
Here's Alistair and me....
Hung out quite a bit with them, went for a bbq at their place too....and what an adventure we had! Met Alistair earlier in the day to do some grocery shopping for the bbq.....and he drove this super old Volkswagen called 'Valerie' (which he got in on ebay for like a couple hundred quid!). Alistair told me that Valerie was quite cranky and has 'died' a couple of times on him already. But all was going well when we hopped into the car...she immediately started on ignition and was driving well... and after we stopped for groceries, she started immediately again on our drive back....So all was going well until she decided that she's had enough good behaviour! And promptly 'died' while we were in the middle of the road waiting for the traffic light! Wah lao eh....we had cars honking us from behind and Valerie just wouldn't start!
Luckily we weren't far from his place so we stopped by a pub to have a beer with his friend before carting all the groceries back for the bbq.
Also got to know Alistair's friends Alexa & Timmy better.....they are really great cooks! And they had this pair of really cute kitties.....still young and playful...tho' their nails are kinda sharp! hehe...