Woke up bright and early.... and it was my birthday too...what better way to celebrate my birthday than to spend the day in Disneyland! :) Got into the hotel shuttle....can't wait to get there!
Can feel my excitement??!! heehee
Disneyland....so pretty....
Started my day in Disneyland with a nice hearty breakfast....Sausage, potatoes, eggs & croissant...
Put on a Goofy hat, hoped onto the tram and was ready to go!
First stop...The Star Wars tour.....
The kiddies were really cute all draped in the cloaks and swinging around their light sabers....but erm...an Asian Obi-wan or Luke Skywalker??!! Hmmm....
Next stop...Pirates of the Caribbean....looked quite exciting...had signs that warned us that we could get wet....
Didn't get wet.... Saw this guy dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow....Aiyoh cannot make it lah...how to compare with Johnny Depp?!?!? Sigh...
The sun soon got pretty hot and we had to cool off....Ice cream! And so many to choose from...which one shall I have....
Finally ended up at the Space Mountain ride....while waiting in the queue, I witness something quite scary. A ride just ended and was coming into the station....and this girl was hyperventilating so hard and was looking around so frantically like she was calling out for help but couldn't speak....Her friend had to quickly jump back into the carriage to try to calm her down and the attendant also quickly shifted that carriage out to another track and moved it out...It was really quite scary cos she was obviously having so freaked out from the ride...and I could see her expression quite clearly and she was really having a hard time breathing and she looked so scared.... scared me too...wondered what sort of ride this was and was I ready to go through it.... Went on it anyways...but kept my fingers crossed...
I could see how the ride could freak someone out... It was in total darkness except for lots of laser lights blinking and it was a pretty fast ride with lots of sudden turns and drops....So you dont know what to expect and the blinking lights can make you quite 'kan cheong'....Not for the faint hearted...
Passed by the tea cups ride....got dizzy just looking at the cups go round and round.... :P
Basically every ride which we took, there was a massive queue...people were everywhere....
But I had fun waiting in the queues....afterall, how often do we get to go to Disneyland right? :P
So enough of Disneyland....we went on to the California Adventure Park that was just across...

And they got all the audience up to dance along with them too.... there was this cute little japanese girl all dressed up as Snow White...so cute!
And there was a parade going on... all the characters from the Pixar movies were out and having a party!

And they got all the audience up to dance along with them too.... there was this cute little japanese girl all dressed up as Snow White...so cute!
Went on this 'white water raft' ride....
And got soooo super wet! Not funny! BBrrrrrr.....
Finally reached the most exciting ride of all....the Roller Coaster!
But I was feeling kinda lousy already after such a long day so I didn't rwant to take the risk...in case I threw up! So I just watched as my colleague went on the ride.... :P Next time....
After a looong day, I was pretty wiped out.... the day got darker and darker and it was time to head back.... But what a pretty view as you make your exit...
It was freezing by the time we got out and waited for our bus....and I was still soaked from the water ride...very very cold....
Even though I was shivering and totally shacked out, it has been a wonderful day, couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my birthday! All the rides and beautiful sights....sigh...Disneyland... the most wonderful place to be!
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