After our classes in LA, we hit the road and proceeded on to the city of sin....LAS VEGAS! YEAH! I've never been to Vegas before so I was quite excited! Have been watching the series Las Vegas so quite looking forward to seeing the place for it glam as it looks like on TV?
So off we went on our trusty tour would be about a 5-6 hr ride....sleep on the bus....sleep-wakeup-sleep-wakeup...shack!
Caught some nice scenery on the way....the desert, miles and miles of nothingness except terrain, dried grass and the clear blue sky...quite pretty....
Stopped at factory outlet on the way to do some shopping...and boy did we shop!

I shopped a little but our Vietnamese dealers as well as the Singapore dealers went bersek I tell you! Especially at the Coach outlet! It was like a madhouse in there, everyone was grabbing everything that they saw and not just 1 piece per item but as many as 4 or 5! They said that it was so much cheaper than in Singapore so they were buying as gifts and for friends. Amazing I tell you, I've never seen such madness in a premium brand store....well except for LV & Gucci during the sales.... phew!
After about an hour and a half of shopping (we had to go grab those stray shoppers to bring them back on the bus!), we were back on the way to Vegas..... After more snoozing & waking up & snoozing, I finally caught sight of things Vegas... signboards....

And more signboards....

We were finally here! Well.....didn't look quite nice in the day....everything was kinda grey and some of the buildings looks quite runned down and old....We stayed at Circus Circus hotel and it was so difficult to get to our rooms because hotel was quite huge and there were many wings and we had to change lifts and walk from one end of the hotel to get to the other mah fun! And when we got to our room, it wasn't centralised airconditioning so I had to go switch on the huge monster of an aircon at the window....and was so freaking noisy! Making all that churgling noise like an engine! How to sleep?! Sigh....
Walked around to explore the hotel a bit....and it has a huge amusement/entertainment centre within its premises, with a roller coaster and ferris wheel! A kid's heaven!

So I was kinda disappointed that it wasn't quite that glam....but the city in the night did live up to it's reputation of being the city of lights....

The hotel looked quite nice all lit up too...

Even MacDonald's had to light up so as not to lose out...hehe...A glam Macs, quite happening! :P
We went to Fremont Street to catch the light show, it was quite spectacular because of the huge and long 'screen' and it was really colourful...

I also caught the pirate show at The Treasure Island...but it was basically a show with semi-naked women prancing around and shaking their booty....

But at least the ship 'blew up' in the end and it was quite beautiful actually...

Went to their Chinatown for was more like a a huge mall with restaurants and shops... And the first thing I noticed was all the funny this one 'Hua Guo Shan...', isn't this the Monkey God's cave?

And what the heck is 'BOBA TEA"?? Somemore it's No. 1!! hehe...

And this one named itself after a hugely popular Hong Kong drama series....funny people...

So I didnt' gamble at all in Vegas, not a single cent, they don't have mahjong mah! :P I found Vegas to be a place where you'd go only if you want to gamble or are going with people who gamble, wasn't that impressed in the end....suspect I won't be going there anytime soon, unless it's a free trip of course! :}